The Spiritual Seasons: Summer

Summer is a time of joy..

“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again - rejoice.” Philippians 4:4

The flowers bloom, the trees blossom and the grass grows so long it must be cut. The sun shines brightly. In the spiritual world, summer is a time of answered prayers. Summer is the time when all the seeds that have been planted in prayer burst forth and are ready to be harvested.

You set the boundaries of the earth, and you made both summer and winter.” Psalms 74:17

Zipporah, Moses’ wife experienced a great deal of waiting. She waited and watched as Moses left their comfortable home in Middian and headed to Egypt. She waited in anticipation for Moses to announce freedom for the Israelites. Following the plagues and the Red Sea parting there was a time of rejoicing. A time when Zipporah and Moses led the Israelites into the wilderness on their way to the promised land.

“So Moses told the people to celebrate the Passover.” Numbers 9:4

Summer is full of joy! Many of us know what it is to pray, pray and pray - to no avail. It might have felt like God was not there or at least not listening. Spiritual summer is the time when we can see God’s answers to our heartfelt cries for help. There is a time of relief and satisfaction. The feeling of being seen by our Creator.

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