The Elijah Project
Video Course
The Elijah Project experience is an interactive class with 5-6 creative activities. We explore Elijah’s story and use it as a model to process through our own stories.Start your Elijah Project journey now!
An activity to identify where we are experiencing stress, where has the brook dried up in our lives and how can we take a step to move on.
An activity that allows us to explore our relationships and identify what a healthy, nurturing, friend looks like.
An interactive activity that allows us to take a look at how God showed up for Elijah and identify names of God that we can cling to.
An activity that allows us to identify what fear and joy look like to us.We find great comfort that Elijah experienced fear and doubt in his journey and realize how God can help us move from one to the other.
An interactive activity where we create a modern day Broomtree. God used a Broomtree to provide for Elijah physically and emotionally and He provides that for us today!