The Spiritual Seasons: Spring

Spring is a time of new birth. It is a time of boundless possibility. I think of spring as the time when flowers poke up out of the recently thawed ground. The frozen brown earth is now ready for seeds and rain. Growing up in New England daffodils were one sign of spring. It was their bright green stems we saw first. Once the leaves emerged we knew that warmer weather was on the way.

Spring in the life of a business is that entrepreneurial phase when new ideas are popping. I have had the opportunity to be part of a few start ups - both business and non-profit. Filling up the whiteboard with ideas, clever names and slogans produces so much energy.

Spring is a time for dreams. When relationships begin - there are butterflies in your belly and stars in your eyes. There is a world of opportunity and so much promise.

Watch over your heart with all diligence. For from it flow the springs of life.

Proverbs 4:23

Spiritually spring can be a time when we pray and wait. God may seem silent, but He is doing much deep below the surface. Grab a cup of coffee, dig into the Bible and process the silence in your journal. We have hope that the daffodils blossoms are coming.

Andrea Polnaszek1 Comment