Meet Andrea
Author. Filmmaker. Therapist. Speaker.
Andrea M. Polnaszek is a licensed Clinical Social worker who has dedicated her life to helping individuals find emotional and spiritual health and wholeness. When she found herself in a wilderness experience, the ancient story of Elijah brought her comfort and hope. The Elijah Project started her on a journey to share God's truth with therapeutic principles.
Andrea has had the honor of writing two screenplays. Catching Faith, which can be viewed on Netflix, iTunes, and Amazon. Wish for Christmas which is available to stream on, on iTunes and Amazon. For more about her films, visit the films tab above.
Andrea has a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Gordon College, a Certificate in Theology and Master’s in Social Work from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She works in private practice as a therapist, and shares ministry responsibility with her husband Perry at Fellowship Church in Chippewa Falls, WI. She and her husband also lead a non-profit ministry called Touched Twice. Andrea has 3 children and a very big black dog named Quote.
Work with Andrea
Interested in working with Andrea? Andrea is an accomplished inspirational speaker who encourages audiences to understand their mental health and well being in connection with God’s bigger story. Andrea is available to speak on any of her projects. She loves to share her journey whether in a one-hour format or a half-day/ whole day or retreat format. Contact her here.
Featured Products
The products below, The Elijah Project Workbooks, are a touch for the soul. Its main tenant is that God is our ultimate Protector and Provider. Are you feeling tired? Is your heart hurting from discouragement or abuse? Do you feel unappreciated after tirelessly giving to others? These workbooks are designed for you, a sanctuary for your soul, a place where you can realize, reflect, reconcile, rest, and re-engage.