The Spiritual Seasons: Winter

Winter in the north brings frozen ground, snow and little sun. It is a time of hibernation, death and waiting.

Winter in our spiritual life can feel like endless silence. it can feel like we wait and wait and nothing happens. I have learned one tip during the dry waiting time. I ask myself: “What is the last thing God asked me to do?” And I reflect: “Am I doing what He asked me to do?” The quiet can be deafening and discouraging and feel like another type of death. An end to the intimacy I once felt with Jesus. This can be discouraging.

But as I worked to create an image that capture the dry, waiting period for me a few ideas emerged. During the waiting there is an opportunity to study, journal, meditate on scripture.

“I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways.” Psalm 119:15

During the winter I enjoy coffee, cocoa, tea. I often light a candle and wrap in a blanket. During winter I hunker down. What if we reframe the writing period as a gift of quiet reflection?

“As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.” Proverbs 27:19

Challenge: Make a list of what you enjoy when you slow down. Make a journal entry in the next few days reflecting on how God is speaking to you.

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